Seven Nobel Laureates on Science and Spirituality

$ 15.00

7 Nobel Laureates together in one publication, explore important areas of human concern and bring new lights on:
· the role of Science and Religion in the search for the Origin of Life,
· the study of the nature of Consciousness,
· understanding the purpose behind the Universe,
· the role of Faith and Ethical Challenges, etc.


With: His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Nobel Laureate in Peace / Prof. George Wald, Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine / Prof. Charles Townes, Nobel Laureate in Physics / Mrs. Betty Williams, Nobel Laureate in Peace / Prof. B. D. Josephson, Nobel Laureate in Physics / Prof. Richard R. Ernst, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry / Prof. Werner Arber, Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine.

Quality content! Samples:
· If ice did not float I doubt that life would exist in the universe.”How did Prof. Wald prove it?
· “Mutation is not a mistake or an error in replication; it is a natural process” says Prof. Arber, the DNA specialist. Why does evolution not occur on the basis of errors or accidents…?
· “If we assume God does exist, then why hasn’t He appeared in scientific experiments?” What are Prof. Josephson’s explanations?


SKU: ISBN 8190136925 Category:


Seven Nobel Laureates on Science and Spirituality
7 Nobel Laureates explore important areas of human concern and bring new lights.
With the Dalai Lama, Georges Wald, Charles Townes, Werner Arber, Richard Ernst, Brian Josephson, Betty Williams.

Additional information

Weight 180 g