Consciousness – Science and Vedanta

$ 5.00

Vedanta and Consciousness – Science and Spirituality Perspectives
  • When we see our face in the mirror and look into our eyes, who is really looking, and at whom?
  • What is consciousness, and where is it located?
  • What do the main discoveries in neuroscience and neuropsychology teach us?
  • How can we feel (emotions, pain, etc.), imagine, make decisions?
  • How can we experience anything at all?
  • What about quantum brain research to help solve the mystery of consciousness?
  • How is Nature wonderfully organizing everything so that we can be conscious?
  • What is the Vedantic model of consciousness?
  • What are the various degrees of consciousness?
  • Can living entities devoid of brain have some intelligence anyway? Why?
SKU: ISBN 8189635190 Category:


Consciousness and Vedanta – Scientific and Vedantic Perspectives on Consciousness
Stimulating insights on Vedanta and Biotechnology. Bioethical questions. Cloning and stem cell research. Vedanta and Pediatrics. How to get a nice child.

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Weight 140 g